The certified WB2072-0A module from JORJIN is a wireless MCU module targeting Bluetooth 5.2 low energy applications.  This module is based on ST BlueNRG-355AC wireless MCU QFN 32 package chip.

The module is a cost effective, ultralow power, 2.4 GHz RF devices. Very low active RF and MCU current and low power mode current consumption provide excellent battery lifetime and allow for operation on small coin cell batteries and in energy harvesting applications.

Upload Technical Information

  • 4.1 Module data sheet
  • 4.2 EVB quick start guide
  • 4.3 EVB user guide

Key Features

High performance and ultra low power Cortex M0+ 32 bit , 64 MHz

256 KB Flash, 64 KB SRAM, 1 KB OTP, 7KB MPU

Operating supply voltage: from 1.7 to 3.6 V

Dynamic current consumption: 18 μA/MHz

Extensive peripheral set: 2 x SPI / I2S, 1x SPI, 2 x I²C, 1 x USART, 1 x UART, 6 x PWM, 1 x PDM, 1 x 12 bit ADC

Embedded UART bootloader

Enhanced security mechanisms such as:
  – Flash read/write protection
  – SWD access can be disabled
  – Secure bootloader

LGA 42pins package.

Dimension 15 mm(L) x 11 mm(W) x 2.6 mm(H)

Temperature range: -40° to +85°C





Size : 2.22 mb
Hits : 640
Date added : 21 - 07 - 2021
Date modified : 21 - 07 - 2021


Size : 1.27 mb
Hits : 291
Date added : 21 - 07 - 2021
Date modified : 21 - 07 - 2021


Size : 2.77 mb
Hits : 382
Date added : 21 - 07 - 2021
Date modified : 21 - 07 - 2021